Thursday, January 17, 2013

nothing new for a year

It's decided. I'm not going to buy anything new for myself for a year. No clothes, no shoes, no bags, no accessories. And how do I feel about this? Excited!

I'm so thankful to Pink Ronnie for the inspiration. Her "the happy closet" series has given me hope. There is now a light shining down onto the pile of clothes that I find myself drowning in - I just need to swim toward it.

It's no secret that I'm a sucker for sales. I convince myself that I need things or that I should just get it because it's cute and "such a bargain!!" This is actually one of my major struggles. So much money wasted on stuff. The result of this problem is a wardrobe filled to the brim with all kinds of clothes, shoes and bags, yet I still feel like I've got nothing to wear - or if I have decided what I'd like to wear, I can't find it!

Almost two years ago when I started my sorting spree (was it really that long ago?) I did a huge cull in my wardrobe which resulted in six garbage bags worth of clothes, shoes and accessories being given away - or thrown out. SIX! Honestly, some of the clothes I found I wore when I was 18. Why did I still have that stuff? Ridiculous! (The photo below shows some of what I got rid of.)

Last year I gave another three bags of clothes away and I still don't have any space in my wardrobe. It really is a serious problem. Even after this baby arrives and I throw out all of the clothes that have been stretched beyond oblivion, I will still have overflowing hangers and drawers. I'm ashamed.

I am SO ready for this challenge. It may be a struggle at first, but I truly am excited. I'm excited about what I will rediscover in my wardrobe. I'm excited about not caring what I wear - who even notices if I wear the same outfit twice (or even three times!) in a week? I'm excited about the prospect of having the weight of this materialism lifted from my shoulders. I'm excited about finding contentment. I want my kids to see that contentment. I want to set a good example for them. I want to be filled with real joy - not filled with worthless stuff.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13