Friday, May 10, 2013

organising notes from school

I was warned by a number of my friends that we were going to get heaps of notes sent home from school when my eldest started kindy in January. And, boy, were they right! Notes about fees, classroom activities, events, sporting carnivals, login details (fancy!), clubs to join, gardening, working bees, school photos....

So, I got myself another five-tab file to fill! This one has sections labelled 'pay', 'do', 'keep' and two at the back labelled 'info' (eg; logins and weekly news topics). I have also been moving the most important notes into the clear window at the front so I can easily see what is coming up next, or what payment is due soon. I am keeping my two files on the fridge using heavy duty magnetic clips so they are not forgotten and easy to access.

I would love to hear of any other systems that you may be using to keep track of what's going on in school, life, whatever. Please share!