Monday, April 29, 2013

kids room revisited

Our beautiful baby has nearly outgrown her bassinet. So, the time has come to revisit the layout of our second bedroom so we can fit three little kiddies in there. New carpet (yay!). New bunk beds. New shelving. And the sides will go back on the cot before baby sleeps there of course.

Check it out...

Monday, April 22, 2013

fifty shades of stain

That pretty much sums up the original, 18-year-old carpet in our house.
This image is a collage of actual photos taken of our carpet (except for the ink bottle - that was just to complete the effect).
I know. Gross.

And now, I am sitting in my room, listening to the glorious sound of that stain-ridden floor covering being ripped up. Hooray! Our new 'Natural Oak' floating floors are being laid today.

I cannot even describe the state of the underlay and slab underneath the carpet. Too awful for words. I've also just been informed that the slab near our balcony door is in such a bad state that I'll need to pay an extra $240 in cash today so the man can fix it and flatten it out. For goodness' sake.

I don't care all that much about the extra cost, because I know that it's all going to be fixed and finished today. The carpet in the bedrooms will be laid on Wednesday, then we can move on. The place is going to look fantastic. The floor will look clean - and be easy to keep clean! It will be marvelous.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

goodbye precious food

After nearly 8 years, I think it is finally time to say goodbye to the sugar flowers that decorated our wedding cake. I've never felt so sad about parting with something edible before.

Now, if only I had the guts to do the same with my wedding dress. I'm never going to wear it again, but I really can't bring myself to part with it just yet.

The flowers are enough for now.