Wednesday, July 31, 2013

lots of laundry

This is a permanent fixture at our place these days. And perhaps for a lot of days (weeks, years?) to come. So many tiny clothes to be washed, dried and put away. Most of the time the lines are cleared only to make room for the next load to be hung out.

On numerous occasions I have had wonderful plans of scheduling my washing; towels on Monday, kids clothes on Tuesday, sheets on Wednesday, etc; in an attempt to keep up with it. But I haven't had a chance to think through this properly. Or perhaps my subconscious is stalling me deliberately in an attempt to keep me from becoming way too obsessive compulsive? Also, winter throws things out a bit with our clothes taking days to dry. I'll keep fumbling my way through for now.

I have no trouble putting clothes into the washing machine. Easy! Well, easy, if you aren't a dunderhead who chucks black jeans in a white wash. In fact, I love my washing machine. I love hearing it busily chugging away. Important work is happening and I'm not doing it. It's the rest of the process that causes me to stumble.

I have come across web pages that are dedicated to organising laundry and even tell you how fun it can be. Decorate your laundry with colours! Display antique clothes pins in jars! Play upbeat music while you sort! Yay! Who knew doing laundry could be so much fun? (To be fair, the linked site did also have some practical and helpful advice to offer.)

Fortunately, this enthusiastic take on laundry caused me to think about the positives of doing it:

1. Everyone has clean clothes to wear.
2. While my hands hang clothes, my mind can be thinking up amazing ideas.
3. I've had some priceless conversations with the kids while putting clothes away.
4. The feeling of satisfaction I get when all baskets are empty is glorious!
    (even if it only lasts 10 minutes.)

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