Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My husband had some things to do on the computer last night, so I took the opportunity to start organising the rogue files. All combined, they made one enormous pile! I then spent close to two hours sorting through it all. I ended up with three (and a half) piles. Things to chuck, things to file and things to keep elsewhere. Thankfully, the 'chuck' pile was the tallest. It made me feel fabulous to see how much paper was going to leave our house!

The 'file' pile was a decent size, but at least it had a definite destination. Actually, I should say 'has' a destination, because it hasn't actually made it into the filing cabinet yet. It is currently residing in previous storage area number three beneath the filing cabinet. Sigh. But it is NOT going to stay there. I have given myself til Thursday night to complete this filing. Just need to ease into this whole being organised thing.

The 'keep elsewhere' pile ended up being separated again into another eight piles. Each pile was going to a different place in the house. And, thankfully I decided on more things that I could throw out, so one of the piles was heading towards the recycling bin. More things leaving the house that I didn't have to think about!

Oh yes, I almost forgot about the 'half' pile. This one formed itself after I realised there were a couple of bills that had to be dealt with immediately (glad I found these!) and I also found a few things that I wanted to chuck but needed permission.

As of Thursday night we will have a total of TWO filing areas. The filing folder for incoming mail which will be sorted through at the end of each week (hopefully) and the filing cabinet. And...  no more piles!!

Phew! I rewarded myself with two rows of chocolate
for a job well done.


  1. Well Done Corrine! Dark chocolate I hope . I had a similar clean up exercise over the weekend

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Richard and Ronnie! Appreciate it.
