Friday, February 25, 2011

when nerds get organised

Hidden inside my computer is proof that it is actually possible for me to be organised. It was born out of necessity. Clients aren't happy if you can't update and reprint their brochure because you "can't find the original files". So, I have a system. A glorious system of naming and storing computer files and folders so that I always know where things are. And the nerd inside me always feels such accomplishment and satisfaction when I neatly "package" a completed job. If and when I go back to look at that job I can see the original InDesign file, the fonts, the linked images, the working files and the invoice.
So neat and orderly!

This is where the name for my blog sprang from. I really wish real life files and other objects could be dealt with as easily as the computer kind. Command+A (select all) then Comand+Delete (move to trash). All the junk is gone in an instant! If only everything was that easy.

In my bid to rid the house of clutter, I have turned to my trusty computer again. When I was told by the uber-organised Ronnie that there was a great task management program for Mac, I was excited. "This will help me be organised and keep lists without having a million single bits of paper floating around the house!" I looked up this program called 'Things' in the Apple store. The excitement quickly turned to dread when I saw that it cost 70 bucks!! I really couldn't justify that cost. A friend had mentioned that there was a cheaper and simpler version called iPronto - which is, sadly, only available for iPhones and iPads. (which is why I really need an iPhone! sigh.) And so my search continued into the realm of free task management software. A very unsatisfying place - most of it allowed you to write a list and that was it. No notes could be added. No time-frames set. hmmmm.

Anyway, I did find something eventually, called TaskPaper. It was quite simple, but allowed me to set up projects and notes with them. And it was free. This will do. I enthusiastically set up all my lists for getting sorty with categories, sub categories and notes. Sweet! Then upon startup one day, I got a rude message saying my free trial was due to end in a few days and that I had to pay to register the software!

Because I am a bit of a cheapskate and didn't want to pay $30 for a program that wasn't exactly what I needed, I went to visit ebay. And you'll never guess what I found! Things! For less than $30! I bought it and it is FABULOUS! I've got my 'life' to do's, my work to do's, my meal plans all in one place and not taking up an extra inch of space in the house!

I do delight in the one place that makes me feel like I'm on top of things.
(Except for the file named "SORT" on my desktop. We don't need to look in there.)

1 comment:

  1. ahha ha ha !

    I can totally imagine the "sort" folder!

    (and, yes, if you are reading this then the "anyone can post" situation is up and active)
