Friday, February 18, 2011

the uprising of the socks

I hate socks. I know hate is a strong word, but I do. I hate them. I hate wearing them, I hate that they end up in every room of the house, I hate pegging them on the clothes line and I hate hate hate folding them to be put away.

Every day (or two, or three) I go through the house gathering up the socks to be added to the wash. I need to check inside all the shoes too because the socks like to hide there. Then into the washing machine and onto the clothes line... then in a few days, when I need space to hang out the next load, I put them into a basket and they are moved into our bedroom. After another few days (or several) I finally attempt to put the clothes away. This is when I discover that all except one pair of socks have lost their partner! How did this happen? Where could they have gone? Do they have a personal vendetta against me? It is a profound mystery. And, it is darn annoying.

I will usually leave the odd socks out on the bed with the aim of finding their pair but, inevitably, it becomes time to get into bed so they get shoved into the sock draw as they are.

This is the actual pair of socks my husband
chose to wear to work this morning!
There was a time a while ago when I noticed my husband's socks were never matching after being washed. Not even the usual one or two complete pairs were being spat out. What was going on? Then, all was revealed. I witnessed him putting his shoes on for work one morning, and I saw that he was just wearing odd socks to begin with! So he just grabbed the first two socks that touched his hand. Green with blue. Blue with black. Black with playing cards (?). He had become sick of the fruitless searching inside the mess of his sock draw. It seemed no sock had a pair.

So, my solution was to buy more socks. You may be surpried to know that this didn't solve the problem. It made it worse. And so the saga continues...

I hate socks.

Does anyone have any advice?
How can we improve this desperate situation??


  1. Just buy all socks in the same colour and style and hide all the other ones. Then for sure you will match. That's what I do. But then I realised my cat likes to hunt socks like they are mice and then she 'kills' them and hides them under the bed. So I am still missing socks.

  2. That is so Scott,:) but you have come across one of the greatest mysteries of the modern life: where do all those odd socks go?
    One of the most popular theories is that they escape into a parallel universe through a vortex which opens up briefly in the washing machine during the spin cycle .

    If you find a solution you could make a fortune .. and become famous to boot or is that to sock ? ;)

  3. I'm with Jaz ... totally buy only one colour, size, kind ... and donate all the pairs you can find of the other socks to vinnies, and chuck the lost ones in the bin ... and you're done :)

  4. Thanks guys! Great idea to get all of the same socks to start with.
    I also thought I would share another tip from my friend Alana for future readers...
    Alana's tips: throw out all unmatching socks. Then we always purchase alex the same brand socks so that they always match. Then fold the open end over the other one (train scott) before it goes in the basket so u know u have a pair. Then throw t...hem in the dryer where possible or drape them over the side of the basket in the sun so u don't have to peg them. Then only put matching pairs away one folded inside the other so none are loose. Leave the unmatching socks for a week or two in a special spot in the laundry- if it's pair doesn't turn up... Throw it out. Unmatched socks never go in drawers! This is what I do anyhow!

  5. I'm astonished nobody else seems to do what I do - I always wear odd socks. Problem solved. It used to annoy me when I couldn't find a pair so I just reexamined my mind-frame. Why does it matter? It doesn't. I'm now that mum with odd socks, always two bright, clashing colours/patterns.

  6. haha - too funny Ya'el. Maybe I do need to lighten up a bit and live life on the (mismatched) edge :)
